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Our DNA Tests

We offer different packages and panels of genetic analysis of your DNA. Please check our personalised example report for individuals.

We offer panels with options that they can choose according to their needs for our clients who want to do DNA testing. After taking your test, you specify which panels you want to analyze. We have packages where you can buy all panels.

Panels we offer for DNA Tests Reports

Diet and Nutrition Panel

A selection of genetic insight to help you personalise your diet.

  • Lactose Intolerance


  • Caffeine Sensitivity 


  • Histamine Intolerance 


  • Gluten Sensitivity 


  • Omega-3 Need 

  • Detox Toxins


  • Detox Vegetables


  • Food Allergies


  • Choline


  • Alcohol Sensitivity 

Vitamin and Mineral Panel

A selection of genetic insight to help you personalise your supplement plan.

  • Selenium


  • B12 


  • Folate 


  • Vitamin A


  • Vitamin B2 


  • Vitamin B6


  • Biotin


  • Vitamin C


  • Zinc


  • Vitamin D


  • Vitamin B1 

Intestinal Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you your gut health 

  • Irritable Bowel Sydrome Predisposition


  • Coeliac Predisposition 


  • Histamine Intolerance


  • Microbiome Genes


Methylation and Homocysteine Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you

  • B12 


  • Folate


  •  B2


  • B6


  • Choline



Mental Health Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you your mental health predispositions

  • Seasonal Depression 


  • Depression


  • Inflammation Gut Related Depression


  • Mitochondrial Depression


  • Anxiety 

  • Serotonine Levels


  • Dopamine Levels


  • Behaviour Comt 


  • Circadian Rythm 

Sports Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you how you can optimise your workouts.

  • Athletic Performance


  • Exercise Motivation


  • Strength Response


  • Endurance Response


  • Power Response

  • Aerobic Trainability


  • Recovery Efficiency


  • Injury Predisposition


  • Muscle Mass

Inflammatory Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about inflammation.

  • Dental Health 


  • Depression


  • Inflammation 


Autoimmune Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you your autoimmune predispositions.

  • Psoriasis Predisposition


  • Coeliac 


  • Familial Mediterranean Fever


  • Rynaud's Phenomenon


  • Lupus

Sleep and Circadian Rythm Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you how you can optimise your sleep.

  • Melatonine


  • Mood Disorder 


  • Slow Wave Sleep



  • Waking Up


  • Restless Legs Syndrome


  • Short Sleep



Longevity Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about longevity .

  • Seratonin and Alzheimer


  • Age Related Macular Degeneration


  • Tinnitus


  • Osteoporosis

Hearth Health Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you your heart health predispositions.

  • Blood Coagulation


  • LDL Cholesterol


  • Triglyceride

  • Statin and muscle pain


  • Phytosterol


  • Coronary Heart Disease

Autoimmune Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you your autoimmune predispositions.

  • Psoriasis Predisposition


  • Coeliac 


  • Familial Mediterranean Fever


  • Rynaud's Phenomenon


  • Lupus

Hormone Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about your hormones.

  • Estrogen


  • Cortisone


  • Thyroid


  • Uterus Myome Risk


  • Migraine

  • PCOS


  • PMS


  • Testosteron


  • Acne

Disease Prevention Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about preventive medicine.

  • Skin Cancer


  • Alcholoism


  • Chronic Sinusitis


  • Viral Intestin


  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Hemochromotosis


  • Migraine


  • PCOS


  • Acne


  • Thyroid

Weight Control Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about weight control.

  • Intermittent Fasting


  • Sleeping Late and Weight Gain 


  • Ghrelin


  • Leptin


  • Weight Control Genes

Metabolic Disease Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about metabolic diseases.

  • Blood Sugar Levels


  • Fatty Liver


  • Diabetes Risk


  • Blood Pressure

  • Saturated Fat


  • Triglycerides


  • NOS


  • Pcos

Detoxification Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about detoxification.

  • Phase 1 Detoxification


  • Phase 2 Detoxification


  • Alcohol Sensitivity


  • Caffeine Sensitivity

Infertility Panel

A selection of genetic insight to show you about detoxification.

  • Methylation


  • Hormones


  • Alhzeimer genes


  • Longevity Genes


  • Telomere Length


  • Alhzeimer Protection Genes

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